Breach of privilege motion


A breach of privilege motion can be brought by any member of the Indian Parliament, either in the Lok Sabha (Lower House) or the Rajya Sabha (Upper House), against another member or any other individual who is deemed to have committed a breach of privilege.

A breach of privilege motion is brought when a member feels that their privileges have been breached or that the dignity of the House has been undermined in some way. This can include any act or omission that interferes with the functioning of the House, obstructs or interferes with the work of a member, or disrespects the House or its members.

Once a breach of privilege motion is brought, the Speaker of the House may examine the issue and determine whether there has been a breach of privilege. If the Speaker finds that there has been a breach of privilege, the House may take action against the individual or entity responsible.

The action that can be taken against the individual or entity responsible for the breach of privilege can include admonishment, censure, or even imprisonment. However, the decision regarding the action to be taken is ultimately up to the House.

In conclusion, a breach of privilege motion can be brought in the Indian Parliament when a member feels that their privileges or the dignity of the House has been breached. The House may take action against the individual or entity responsible, depending on the severity of the breach of privilege.


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